Sunday, June 20, 2010

Is there a way to request the Avatar group to add more hair styles and jewelry?

I閳ユ獓 really like a Mohawk for my avatar, and some cool grunge boots to go with my Academy awards dress!

Plus, I閳ユ獓 really like to have a shoe closet for her!!!

Is there a way to request the Avatar group to add more hair styles and jewelry?

Cool, i didn't know this Jane. Thanks! I too would like more options.

Giggly: You didn't stike me as a mohawk kind of girl. tehetehe! Go you! And a shoe closet, who are you, Mariah?

Is there a way to request the Avatar group to add more hair styles and jewelry?

Go to the Y! Avatars main page, and on the right side there will be a link to the Avatars forum. That's where you can share your requests and suggestions.

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